Ultimate Action 30 Minute Aerobatics Flight
Get your family and friends to donate to your 'Mo Your Own Way' campaign as they enjoy watching you take on this aerobatic flight! You'll participate in a short briefing before you experience some real hands-on flying and hair-raising roller coaster aerobatics.

Kitty's Gorge Darling Ranges Hike
Looking for more of a fitness challenge to 'Mo Your Own Way'? Look no further, because this is the perfect adventure challenge for you! Set out from Jarrahdale on a guided 17km hike of Kitt'ys George, just south of Perth. You'll explore the lush forest, streams, and waterfalls of Serpentine National Park. Your friends and family can donate as you challenge yourself!

Tandem Skydive Over The Beach
Your friends and family will enjoy watching you jump 15,000ft from a plane over Wollongong beach. You'll be connected to an experienced tandem instructor, so all you have to do is have the courage to jump and experience the highest, fastest, and most thrilling adventure of a lifetime.

Sea Kayaking, Middle Harbour Eco Tour
Choose kayaking as your adventure challenge for 'Mo Your Own Way'. Not only will you be raising money for a good cause, but you'll be exercising as you kayak on Middle Harbour. You'll also have the opportunity to learn something about the natural and social history of the area from a friendly guide.

Off Road V8 Race Buggies
There's no better way to have fun while doing good than riding like a pro in an off road buggy! These genuine race buggies will take you on six laps around a premium built circuit. A professional driver will be coaching you the entire way so you can feel like a pro.